I love all things makeup and beauty, am an avid traveller and Post It! Note collector, scribbler, organizer, paster, sketcher... In my time between work: I read, watch tonnes of movies, cook to my heart's content and feed absolutely anyone over. This blog is my humble attempt at sharing my inner world with you.
Over time, this platform has allowed me to bring to the forefront, words of the contributors I care about. They put their heart and soul into the content they create - I hope you enjoy it!
And if you've got a moment, please subscribe to the mailing list to have our latest blogs sent right to your inbox!
I'm in the process of developing An Ayesha Joshi Product into more than just a blog page, but a lifestyle content company. It's a journey and we are thrilled that you are on it with us!
Do check out the extension to everything you find here, on our Youtube Channel.
I would love you hear from you - drop me a message or DM about absolutely anything that inspires you to wake up each morning. This makes me happy! And if you would like your story and/or brand featured on our platform, or would like to be one of our contributors - please, please email us.
Amongst the many things I enjoy doing, I've recently ventured into building a fashion & accessories label called 'Samsarah Dia'. Here's another whole venture-adventure for you to check out on our brand-new Instagram page. See you on the other side :)
Stay tuned for lots more. Much love,
Our Contributors
People I care about, contributing value about topics they care about..